Tagged: team

Metrics for Better Software Teams

The article “Moneyball for software engineering” explains how metrics-driven decisions can build better software teams. The basic idea is that organizations can use statistical data to build more competitive teams. Most of us work in software project teams, but we rarely use metrics to identify strengths and weaknesses, set and...

Appraisals and Agile Don’t Play Nicely

In this blog post, Gary Reynolds explains why the traditional appraisal systems (performance reviews, 360 feedback, evaluations) are in conflict with Agile values because they focus on the individual and not on the teamwork. The challenge is that individuals within an organization expect and deserve feedback on their performance, thus...

Social Contracts

This video presents the social contract. It contains a set of rules a team agrees to, that are above and beyond what their basic project roles and responsibilities mandate. It consolidates everyone’s understanding of how the team will behave and interact. The contract can differ from project to project.