Tagged: team

DevOps Meets Reality in Software Development

With DevOps being a state-of-the-art mindset, we find ourselves with autonomous software development teams who can take full ownership and not only develops features but also follow up on their usage, put them in production and fix them when they break.

Leading Software Development Teams in Uncertain Times

This presentation examines the global effects that force us to reason differently about how we organize and lead people and projects. It discusses valuable skills for leaders in this new climate, especially leaders in software development teams.

Four Years of Team Self-Selection at Redgate Software

Traditional project management wisdom teaches us that long-lived, stable teams perform best, and that changing team membership is to be avoided as much as possible. Redgate Software has challenged this advice, believing it was better for software engineers and the overall organization to deliberately change-up our teams every year.

From Good to Great: Agile Team Facilitation

Working in collaborative, self-organizing Agile software development teams can be challenging. It is important that all team members understand the group dynamics involved and how to effectively facilitate these sessions.