Tagged: process

Book Review: Leadership, Teamwork, and Trust

Book Review: Leadership, Teamwork, and Trust

The late Watts S. Humphrey has been an important personality of the software development world. He led the development of the Software Capability Maturity Model (CMMI), an internationally recognized standard in the field of software process improvement. The title of his last book “Leadership, Teamwork, and Trust – Building a...

Panic, Practice and Process

If you’re worrying about how you’re doing, you’re not paying attention to what you’re doing. When you’re panicking, you’re not improving. This lightning talk explores the value of focusing on process rather than progress in order to deliver quality while staying sane.

Optimize Your Project Development Process

Tired of inefficient methods? Sad because you software project missed deadlines? Overwhelmed by everyday bottlenecks? If the answer for at least one of those questions is yes, you need to optimize your process. One of them is use of simulation games and gamification. But both tools can be extremely helpful....

Lightweight Project Management Process

In this blog post, Eli Weinstock-Herman proposes a lightweight process for project management and explains that the most critical part of creating a process is to know why your creating it.