Tagged: people

Anti-culture of Commitments in Software Development

Human beings suck at committing anything, even if this is an important part of software development project planning. That is – the committing part is easy, fulfilling the promises – not anymore. Anger, frustration, disappointment – sounds familiar?

group meeting table

Removing Team Members From Software Development Projects

Sometimes, it is not possible to keep a team member who is causing problems for your software development project. In their book “Managing the Unmanageable”, Mickey Mantle and Ron Lichty provides advice to the project manager on how to dismiss a person who is not performing well or who demonstrates...

Four Years of Team Self-Selection at Redgate Software

Traditional project management wisdom teaches us that long-lived, stable teams perform best, and that changing team membership is to be avoided as much as possible. Redgate Software has challenged this advice, believing it was better for software engineers and the overall organization to deliberately change-up our teams every year.

People as the Source of Business Agility

Successful Agile businesses such as Spotify and Netflix have become the example for those on a business agility journey. The secret ingredient they all share… people… more specifically, a mission built around people.