Tagged: lean

Book Review: Lean Integration by John G. Schmid, David Lyle

Book Review: Lean Integration

The book “Lean Integration” by John G. Schmid and David Lyle is the sequel of a first book titled “Integration Competency Center: An Implementation Methodology” and is aimed at taking it “to the next level by adding more specific best practices and a rich collection of case studies”. The book...

Kanban is Like Onions!

Kanban value system can be organised into three layers – a familiar core that drives change, a middle layer that is about giving direction and alignment, and a protective outer layer of discipline and working agreements. Or from the outside in: discipline, direction, and drive.

Code Literacy for Lean Teams

In real world agile teams, traditionally defined rigid roles are rapidly being displaced by a culture of collective ownership of the product. Responsibilities are being decoupled from specialties by a collection of operators with overlapping skills, and chief among them is technical acumen.