Tagged: agile

Remote Programmer

This video describe reasons for working remotely as a programmer. It presents a couple of useful habits of the remote worker and then focus on working effectively in a distributed team. There is a huge difference between just being a remote worker and being a member of a distributed team....

Scaled Agile Framework

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAF) is a proven, publicly available framework for applying Lean-Agile practices to the enterprise. It will soon be available to the general public in a structured format on an interactive website. SAF has been scaled to over 140 teams and 1,000 people, yet can still be...

What’s Wrong With Agile Methods

Current agile methods could benefit from using a more quantified approach across the entire implementation process :t development, production and delivery. The main benefits of adopting such an approach include improved communication of the requirements and better support for tracking progress and getting feedback. This article first discusses the benefits...

Agile Planning Benefits

One of the most common myths is to believe that being “Agile” means avoiding planning. This myth couldn’t be further from the truth and people use it as a way to avoid agile practices. Agile planning does not mean “no planning” but rather a flexible plan that changes with the...