Tagged: agile

Inside a Holacracy Implementation

Holacracy is a method of decentralized management and organizational governance in which authority and decision-making are distributed throughout autonomous, self-organising teams (circles). Alignment is achieved through a hierarchy of nested circles in which each higher circle defines the purpose for its lower circle(s). Decisions are made by consent, that is...

The Best and Brightest of the Agile Methods

Is Agile Always Appropriate?

This article describes a recent experience with a software development project trying to adopt the Agile methodology without enough guidance. This methodology is then compared with the traditional Waterfall approach, the potential advantages and pitfalls of both being compared. It is assumed that readers have basic understanding of both methodologies.

group five people board

Are You a ScrumBut?

ScrumButs are defined as reasons why teams cannot take full advantage of Scrum to solve their problems and realize the full benefits of product development using Scrum. A ScrumBut retains the problem while modifying Scrum to make it invisible so that the dysfunction is no longer a thorn in the...