Project Management: Waterfall, Agile & Hybrid Approaches
This video outlines three main approaches to software development project management: Waterfall, Agile and Hybrid. When planning and executing a project, it is important to make sure you are using the appropriate Project Management methodology to best meet your project objectives. Things to consider when determining an approach include time limitations, budget constraints, whether you will have dedicated resources, the culture of the organization, stakeholder expectations and how you will engage with them, how well understood requirements are, etc.
Waterfall is a traditional approach to project management and may be best used when requirements and constraints are well established and understood. Example: building a house.
Agile may be best used when requirements are not as clear and high-levels of engagement are needed with stakeholders/customers. Example: software development.
Hybrid Project Management is exactly what it sounds like, a combined approach of Waterfall and Agile. With a Hybrid approach, a project may switch from Waterfall and Agile during different phases of the project.
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