Project Management for Software Development
Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
We’ve been conditioned to think that the best way to motivate ourselves and others is either through fear of punishment or through external rewards such as money and fame.
Aspects of Kanban
“Aspects of Kanban” is an introduction to the Kanban workflow Lean project management system.
Ten Questions You’d Be Crazy not to Ask at the Start of Your Project
This happens all the time on projects: assuming there is consensus when none exists. While good teams can roll with these punches and adapt as they go, it’s a form of waste that can hurt or kill the unwary before they even get out of the gate. To nip this...
When Do You Kill A Project?
as a project manager or as business stakeholder how does one determine whether to bring the project back to life or just kill it? Answering this question is not that hard. You will find it in this post “When Do You Kill A Project?“
Being a Victim is a Choice
Declan Whelan talsk about how team member can act as victim when they say the word “can’t, never, …”. He suggest how this situation can be changed to get a performing team.
Bridging Agile and Traditional Development Methods: A Project Management Perspective
The article “Bridging Agile and Traditional Development Methods: A Project Management Perspective” by Paul E. McMahon discuss agile project management adoption. Companies are reporting success in meeting rapidly changing customer needs through agile development methods.
The next step in the evolution of Agile project management
This post discusses is the next step in the evolution of Agile project management. The focus of project management used to be based on managing Tasks that people perform to deliver a piece of software. Agile project management shifted focus to managing the delivery of Features.
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