Creating the Environment for Agility
Agile methods and practices are mostly focused on one or more development teams working on a software project. Consequently, there is apparently no room left for “managers” in the agile world. However, agile teams do not exist in a vacuum – they function in an environment and whether they will struggle or flourish depends as much on the conditions they operate in as it does on themselves and the practices they use.
In other words: teams’ self-organization will happen in response to the environment they operate in. Creating and maintaining the right environment is the primary function of higher-level management in an agile company (organization). In my lecture I want to share my experience from founding and running an agile software company as well as my coaching&consulting engagements. It is primarily aimed at managers or company/startup owners who either want to transform their organizations into agility – or set them up in the right way from the start. To make it as practical the presentation’s core are experience-based guidelines for each of the areas covered.
Video Producer: Agile Central Europe Conference
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