Category: Videos

Videos on Software Development Project Management

DevOps Meets Reality in Software Development

With DevOps being a state-of-the-art mindset, we find ourselves with autonomous software development teams who can take full ownership and not only develops features but also follow up on their usage, put them in production and fix them when they break.

Take Communication to a New Level with Sketchnotes

Do you think in pictures? If so, you are part of 65% of people who are visual learners. In Agile project management, we have a lot of complex concepts that we need to understand and explain to others. Sketchnoting or visual summaries can help you learn more effectively, retain information...

Leading Software Development Teams in Uncertain Times

This presentation examines the global effects that force us to reason differently about how we organize and lead people and projects. It discusses valuable skills for leaders in this new climate, especially leaders in software development teams.

Strategies for Software Project Managers to Say No

The software development project manager has been working hard to meet a deadline and then he receives an email from your boss, asking him to take on a new project. He is e at capacity with his time, resources, and focus, but he still feels obliged to say “yes”.

Why the UX Team Doesn’t Get the Credit

The easier designs are to use, the less users tend to think about the work that went into making them that way. We know good designs are largely the result of your careful efforts during softgware development projects.