Beyond Code: Essential AI Skillsets for Software Development Teams

This presentation encourages you to ignore THE HYPE. Artificial Intelligence (AI) won’t take your job. not yet, anyway! You don’t have to fear coding assistants that do the job of entire software development teams. The technology isn’t there yet. As impressive as it may seem, AI is too primitive to do that kind of damage to software development projects.

Beyond the hype, there is HOPE:

  • We will discuss what makes AI worthwhile so we have HOPE that there are complex problems that even the primitive AI we already have can help us with.
  • We will address implementation strategies so there’s HOPE that we can work with its strengths and mitigate its weaknesses so that it frees us from mundane tasks and only focus on those tasks that drive innovation.
  • And how humans-in-the-loop can be AI’s biggest asset.

Therefore, there is HOPE that humans and AI working together can improve business outcomes! It will not end software development; instead, it will transform it. And not in how the media narrative has led us to believe, which is through simply generating code. Beyond code, there’s AI-assisted ideation, software project management, data analysis, collaboration, and much more.

The last portion of this session is a roadmap focussing on many examples of how development teams can leverage the technology. And in particular, how software developers can create custom solutions. Lastly, the session offers strategies for teams to upskill in AI, including engaging in online courses and workshops, contributing to open-source AI projects, and keeping abreast of the latest research and tools. This proactive approach is crucial for software developers and all project team members, ensuring they remain competitive and innovative in an increasingly AI-centric world.

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