Author: Project Management Planet
What is Value?
Tis blog post discusses the definitions of value in the project management context and how the agile community considers it.
Development Process: Estimation is Futile
In this blog post, Ramiro Rinaudo discusses the value of estimation in project management.
Project Failure Prevention: 10 Principles for Project Control
In this article, Tom Gilb provides ten principles to control projects and avoid failure.
Five Signs You are a Bad Manager
This Wall Street Journal article presents five signals to detect bad managers.
Peer-to-Peer Feedback
Managing conversations about friction between team members is the topic discussed by Esther Derby in this blog post.
Agile With a Small “a”
In this blog post, Ty Kiisel discusses the need for project managers to produce value and not to discuss which methodology is the best.
Where Enterprise Architecture and Project Management Intersect
In this blog post, Robert McIlree discusses how software architect should participate in project teams.